

Throughout my past, I have always mentally assigned the concept of “technology” to images of computers, and developments made within the second half of the 20th century. It was helpful to be reminded that technology carries a much broader definition; one that deals with “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes”. This can include “machinery and equipment” developed from this application of scientific knowledge. Now that we live in a digitally driven society, it’s easy to forget that “technology” once referred to mundane objects in the classroom like chalkboards, rulers, protractors, and pencil sharpeners. As we’ve progressed and evolved throughout history, these notions of education technology have taken on a much larger role in teaching young learners to become successful and empowered members of society. 

Technology has become ubiquitous in 21st-century classrooms. Teachers now carry a heavy burden of having to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, especially while they instruct entire generations of “digital natives” (Gen Z and Gen Alpha). Integrating technology across the curriculum isn’t just about using hardware and software as a “gimmick” to capture the wild attention spans of young people; it’s about enhancing the learning experience, making it more enjoyable, and making it easier for students to achieve success in their research and completion of assignments. Whether it’s interactive whiteboards, “scaffolding” apps on handheld devices, simulation programs, screen readers and Braille for special needs students, or creative arts and multimedia programs for music and art students, the use of technology in the classroom will only become more prevalent as we make our way into the future. It’s my personal belief that “using technology as a tool, rather than a crutch” not only develops the reading and multiple literacies (visual, digital, foundational, etc), it also allows teachers of all subjects a multitude of strategic choices to differentiate within the classroom, communicate the content more effectively, organize work flow, meet the needs of state standards and “high-stakes tests”, and prepare learners for a career (and life) that will most certainly involve the daily use of technology. 

We’re only scraping the surface in 2024, especially at the dawn of the artificial intelligence boom. Even today, it’s very easy to imagine an art class where students can employ virtual reality and simulation tools to bring them closer to the walls of a museum on the other side of the planet or take them deep into the brushstrokes of a painting itself. We can even picture a science class where students can conduct virtual experiments or a history class that can transport kids to an ancient landscape. None of these concepts are “science fiction” anymore. These contemporary tools provide hands-on experiences that traditional methods simply could not grasp. Most importantly, these new areas of EdTech support diverse learning styles, foster group collaboration, and individualized creativity, and offer multi-sensory methods of delivering content to special needs children. In other words, we are living in an exciting, mind-blowing era where teachers and students can explore the farthest reaches of education. 

This resource I found in “Ed Tech Magazine” discussed one art teacher’s experience with using certain creative online programs during the pandemic. Due to the nature of the "unprecedented" circumstances, these tools had to be accessible through a “Chromebook” to achieve maximum inclusion and ease for his online art classes. What he discovered throughout this online teaching experience was that his students flourished in the digital arts environment. “Gone are the days when arts education was mostly about learning how to paint, sculpt, or draw by hand. In the modern art class, students get that traditional foundation, but they’re also just as likely to create with computers as they might on paper with pencils or brushes.” 

I regularly use the program “ProCreate” every week for the art that I create. It’s an extremely affordable $13 app for artists to use on their handheld devices and computers, and it's quickly becoming the “industry standard” for professional designers, painters, drawers, illustrators, comic book artists, animators, and hobbyists of the 21st century. I’m almost certain that ProCreate offers “educational discounts” for students as well, so everyone can have access to it. I will be including lessons that incorporate ProCreate into my art classroom, especially since it will allow the students to use their tablets, smartphones, or computers to manipulate and create art from photos and blank digital canvases. We can also achieve this creativity while meeting the requirements of the curriculum. From my understanding, almost every single student at the secondary level has a smartphone in their pocket. Even if a student doesn’t have access to a smartphone, school computers will still allow them to work on their ProCreate assignments in class. Having a solid foundation in ProCreate, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign is essential for preparing artists and non-artists for a world filled with social media content, visual communication, file-sharing, advertising events, and work-related tasks that require image creation and text manipulation. Even my mom, who’s a retired teacher and political activist, benefits from these specific programs during her community organizing, steering committee responsibilities, and promotional campaigns for various political causes that benefit humanity.