Literacy Development in the Art Room

Reading about art. Writing about art. Thinking critically about art.

Teaching Literacy to Young Artists

As a future art teacher, my philosophy of teaching literacy in the classroom is anchored by a strong belief that literacy is not just about teaching kids the ability to read and write; it’s also about empowering each student to think critically and become effective communicators in a world that is becoming increasingly connected and complicated. This includes the development of a strong foundation in both old and new techniques of creativity. Art instruction includes many different types of literacies, including foundational literacy, digital literacy, media literacy, visual literacy, news literacy, and most other areas of literacy. To become a successful art instructor, I must provide my students the opportunity to incorporate new technology, experiment with various materials, discuss areas of concern that are important to them as individuals, allow them to critique and “make statements” about the world around them, and to access a multitude of media resources found in their daily lives. I believe that all students can be artists and highly creative individuals. 

Through effectively demonstrating knowledge in my content area and the joy of teaching, my students can be inspired and empowered to grow as lifelong learners in not only just the creative fields but also other content areas they pursue throughout life. Through writing exercises, open classroom discussion, group critiques, peer learning, independent projects, and rigorous practice of the fundamentals of art, each student will have a multitude of opportunities to develop their pre-existing “schema” about art and to engage with literacies they might not exercise very often. For example, working on software projects in Photoshop and Illustrator, my students will be able to work directly with the “industry standard” tools that are commonplace in the world of graphic design, website creation, Hollywood production, contemporary fine art, and photo manipulation in the advertising world. This will engage those students who are already tech-savvy while preparing those students who might not be as technologically advanced for a world where strong digital literacy skills are crucial.

Reading and writing about various artistic movements and practices develops one’s foundational literacy, as well as one’s critical thinking skills. This practice is not just about reading for comprehension, but also about analyzing and questioning the material that we’re reading. Media literacy is a perfect tool for art instruction. Through the inclusion of newspapers, magazines, websites, social media platforms, and art history books, these different tools will be able to help students navigate the vast amounts of information they encounter, help them distinguish between fact and opinion, and develop their viewpoints about art from the past, or art created during the 21st Century. 

It won’t be difficult to employ basic concepts that deal with the social nature of literacy in my art classroom. Art-making is rarely just a solitary act, especially in a world that is becoming increasingly connected. Online discussions, constructive classroom critique sessions, and creating pieces of art that deal with societal and political issues that are important to the kids allow the students to connect with their peers, develop civic and ethical literacies, and become successful communicators through the often abstract language of art. These social interactions can connect the individuals in my classroom to their local communities, as well as the wider world we all share. Through multicultural literacy instruction, art students can gain insights into different lives and perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding of cultures different from their own. 

My philosophy of literacy education in the art room is about more than just showing art students how to develop their technical skills. It's about fostering critical and creative thinking skills, experimentation, social interaction, and building inclusive communities where every student has the chance to express their emotions and knowledge. The art classroom is truly a realm where discovery, empowerment, and transformation are encouraged. It’s also the perfect environment to develop an understanding of multiple literacies, and to become engaged, informed learners and creatives of the future.