Classroom Management Plan for a Secondary Arts Classroom

Scott Masson

Creating a thriving secondary arts classroom involves more than just setting up materials and preparing projects and lessons; it requires thoughtful planning to foster an environment where students feel safe, inspired, and motivated to create. My classroom management plan, developed with my educational philosophy in mind, emphasizes clear routines, constructive communication, and supportive relationships, all designed to build a structured yet creative space for adolescents to thrive in. This plan outlines the rationale behind specific routines, my approach to teaching them, anticipated challenges, and the aspects of classroom management that I am most excited to implement.

1. Choice of Routines: Supporting Student Creativity and Structure

My approach to classroom routines reflects a philosophy grounded in structure, respect, and flexibility. The art classroom, where students navigate creative self-expression and technique, benefits from clear expectations that guide behavior without stifling their creativity, freedom, exploration, and rigorous learning. Consistent routines for constructive and gracious communication, entering and exiting the classroom, setting up materials, and cleaning up the room are key to establishing order, and fostering an environment of respect for the students, the materials we use, and the space where artmaking takes place. These routines provide students with stability and predictability, enabling them to focus on creative tasks without feeling overwhelmed by outside forces and procedural uncertainties. Moreover, by establishing routines for feedback and peer critique, students develop a sense of shared responsibility and consideration for others’ work.

I chose these routines to align with my goal of fostering a supportive, positive environment. The routine for giving and receiving feedback, for example, not only enhances my students’ communication skills but also encourages respect and constructive critique, which are essential life skills for both artists and individuals. Similarly, the entry routine sets a welcoming tone by establishing a “warm-up” activity (journal entries, art slide presentations, quick

sketchbook drawings, etc.), allowing students to transition mentally from their previous classes to the creative mindset required for art. This approach, drawn from strategies suggested in Lina Raffaelli’s article 32 Strategies for Building a Positive Learning Environment, ensures students feel engaged from the moment they enter the classroom, making them active participants in creating a positive learning atmosphere.

4. Excitement and Anticipation: Building a Supportive, Dynamic Classroom Culture

What excites me most about this classroom management plan is the opportunity it provides to cultivate a genuinely supportive, dynamic, and organized learning environment. I am particularly eager to implement the peer critique routine, which I see as a powerful tool not only for artistic growth but for building empathy and communication skills. In the art classroom, where students are often self-conscious and emotionally invested in their work, critique sessions become opportunities for personal development and encouragement. Guiding students through this process allows me to witness moments of growth and resilience as they learn to both give and receive feedback, an experience that fosters a unique bond among classmates.

Moreover, the entry routine offers a promising way to begin each class on a positive note. An educational “palette cleaners”, if you will. By dedicating a few minutes to creative warm-ups every class period, I create space for students to express themselves freely, transitioning into a creative mindset that fuels their artistic work for larger projects. This routine is not only about establishing order; it’s about giving students permission to experiment, to make mistakes, and to approach art without fear of judgment. An athlete doesn’t just enter a game or workout routine without stretching their muscles and increasing their heartrate first. The same “work out” mindset can be applied to art education as well. I look forward to the varied and spontaneous outcomes that such an open routine will likely inspire.

Involving students in the upkeep of routines—through classroom helper roles or cleanup responsibilities—also excites me as it aligns closely with my belief in fostering a classroom culture built on shared responsibility. By empowering students to take on these active roles, I encourage them to see the art classroom as a community where each person contributes to the “greater good” of the whole. This collective approach mirrors professional creative environments and provides a real-world understanding of collaboration and accountability.


In conclusion, my classroom management plan for a secondary arts classroom centers on establishing clear, structured routines that empower students to take responsibility, express themselves, and respect the learning environment and tools we use. By carefully choosing routines that support my educational philosophy, I aim to foster a classroom culture that balances structure with creativity, allowing students the stability they need to explore the farthest reaches of their creative potential. Teaching these routines through modeling, practice, and reinforcement ensures that they become habitual, paving the way for a positive, productive classroom atmosphere.

Though challenges may arise in maintaining engagement and consistency, my strategies for varied activities, critique norms, and shared responsibilities provide a solid foundation for student success. Ultimately, what excites me most about this plan is the chance to create an environment where students feel valued and supported—a space where their creative voices can flourish. Through this thoughtful, student-centered approach to classroom management, I am committed to guiding my students in both their artistic journeys and their development as respectful, collaborative individuals. This balance of structure and freedom reflects my core belief in education as a dynamic, inclusive process, one where students are active participants in shaping their own learning experience.

Additional Thoughts on Behavior, Communication, and Classroom Management - Journal Entry

There are many fundamental strategies for classroom management that allow teachers of all subjects and age groups to create efficient and strategic floor plans and arrangements, thus, making it easier for unique learners (and teachers!) to achieve success and consistency at school. It also promotes a systematized workflow and culture of clarity so every student can meet the requirements and standards placed upon them. 

 These chapters provided several ways for teachers to incorporate classroom rules while keeping school-wide policies in mind. I found the readings helpful in solidifying many “common sense” practices I already incorporate into my work as a “long-term sub”. Once I acquire “my classroom” after the ARC Program, I will be able to put these classroom management approaches to work on a much deeper and more customized level. This will not only benefit me as a developing teacher but also amplify the learning of every individual in my class. Through perseverance, and some “trial and error”, I’m sure I’ll be able to tweak and evolve my classroom environment and communication style throughout a rewarding career as an art teacher. 

I now have a better understanding of effective and appropriate communication between teachers and students, as well as the importance of promoting a positive student workflow, providing “clarity of message”, furnishing an organized “classroom design”, and meeting (and exceeding) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. One area I needed help with was some guidance in dealing with misbehavior. Since I’m not a very strict person, nor do I “yell” and manipulate my voice to command authority, I needed some pointers on how to deal with difficult scenarios involving students who are sometimes disrespectful. I was very grateful to get a brief introduction to some disciplinary methods for teachers to utilize while they negotiate and manage misbehavior. 

A teacher’s ability to establish classroom management, maintain a supportive and organized environment, and foster effective communication are crucial for a successful learning experience. These attributes ensure order, minimize chaos and disruption, and provide a safe space for students to engage and obtain knowledge about the world. Keeping it a welcoming, comfortable, stimulating environment keeps each student on task and more focused. Effective communication builds trust and clarity and helps students and parents understand expectations and rules, thus, creating a community of support and growth. 

 Although classroom design, management, and environmental layout are crucial for an effective art room, I am much more interested in this notion of “communication in the classroom”. The ability to creatively communicate and express my emotions, ideas, beliefs, and experiences sincerely and convincingly was the main reason why I became an artist in the first place. It’s also what I want for young art students as they maneuver their way through this world. This article talks about how art students can bring their parents into the process of learning about art at home, which creates a sense of community, open dialogue, and further opportunities for growth. 

2. Teaching the Routines: Modeling, Practice, and Reinforcement

Establishing these classroom routines requires intentional and gradual introduction. In the first weeks of the semester, I will focus on modeling each routine, and breaking it down into clear, manageable steps. For example, the entry routine will involve a quick demonstration of walking into class, gathering materials, having sketchbooks handy, and beginning the warm-up assignment posted on the Smart Board. By modeling the exact behaviors expected for the first couple weeks, I can provide a visual guide for students and minimize ambiguity. It’s truly about making these routines become “second nature” and automatic. Additionally, I will use anchor charts—a strategy inspired by the article How to Create a Classroom Contract—to create a visual reminder of key routines, expectations, and values. These charts, developed collaboratively with students, will be a constant reference throughout the semester and year.

Repetition and practice will play a crucial role in reinforcing my classroom routines and procedures. Not to mention, routines are essential for any students with special needs. As students become more comfortable, I will gradually transition to prompting and gentle corrections and reminders, providing feedback and reminders as needed. Initially, we may practice key routines as a group to ensure everyone understands the process, allowing students to internalize these habits in a supportive context. For example, during our first group critique, we will walk through the steps of respectful feedback, discussing both tone and polite phrasing, to establish a culture of constructive communication as we dissect and engage with each students’ artwork.

As routines become more established, I will involve students in their daily maintenance. By inviting students to take on classroom helper roles—such as assisting with cleanup or

managing supplies—I reinforce responsibility and ownership over the classroom environment. This approach not only lightens the logistical demands on me but also empowers students, fostering a collective commitment to our shared space.

3. Anticipated Challenges and Strategies for Overcoming These Obstacles

Implementing these routines may present certain challenges, particularly in a high school setting where students are often transitioning between vastly different learning environments throughout any given day. One foreseeable challenge is maintaining students’ engagement with the entry routine. Quite often, students may enter the room distracted or overwhelmed, so it will be my job to remind them that these entry routines, although brief and fundamental, are essential for warming up, welcoming a creative and rigorous mindset, and important for developing a multitude of literacies. Depending on the day, there will be varying levels of interest and readiness for creative tasks. Some students may initially find the warm-up activity difficult, disengaging, or even “annoying”. To address this, I will introduce a rotation of assorted warm- ups—ranging from quick sketches to reflective journal prompts—to cater to different interests, skillsets, and energy levels, providing a balanced and differentiated structure that always remains engaging.

Another challenge is managing classroom dynamics during peer critiques. High school students may struggle with giving feedback in a constructive and respectful way, especially if they lack experience in this area. To mitigate any unfortunate commentary or awkward moments, I will spend additional time during the first critique sessions emphasizing the purpose of feedback by modeling specific language that maintains respect while offering useful insights. Additionally, I will address the potential for miscommunication by establishing “critique norms” that we can review before each session, reinforcing respectful dialogue as a cornerstone of our creative community and classroom environment.

One area that might present logistical challenges is the cleanup routine, as students may be accustomed to leaving tasks for custodial staff or may not understand the importance of maintaining a clean workspace in an art classroom. Art supplies are incredibly expensive, and

very few school districts have the budget for stockpiling a never-ending supply. Simply put, we cannot afford to waste or damage tools and supplies by not cleaning up properly. To counteract this, I will emphasize the value of maintaining shared spaces and tool maintenance from day one. I’m inclined to show students price guides for how much these materials cost, so they are aware of how important these clean-up tasks are. I will incorporate cleanup as a graded part of the routine and perhaps add a weekly “clean-up contest” where teams of students receive small incentives for keeping areas organized (extra points, treats, etc.). By instilling a sense of ownership, students are more likely to see cleanup as an extension of their responsibilities as artists, fostering respect for both materials and their classmates’ work.